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Take 5+ Total Workplace Safety and Health

Titre traduit en anglais

Film: Durée en minutes

9 minutes

Description du produit

The video show how Take 5+ serve as an effective risk assessment toolkit for individuals to use in real work situations. The objective is to create a culture in our people to always apply Take 5+ during their course of works to prevent accidents.

Objectif et finalité

Applying Take 5+ as a personal risk assessment tool for safety, health and co-workers

Take 5+ was introduced by PSA International as a 5-step personal risk assessment that can apply in assessing work risks in carrying out daily activities. PSA Singapore Terminals integrated Take 5+ with Total WSH in 2016 to support national drive in caring for workers' safety, health and well-being at workplace. In addition, Take 5+ is a sequel video to Take 5 filmed in 2015 to emphasise to our people the importance of health and safety of co-workers.

Public cible

All stakeholders (employees, contractors, service providers, partners, hauliers community, ship chandlers, port users) working within PSA Singapore Terminals.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

PSA Corporation Limited
Level 1 HarbourFront CentrePO BOX 300 - Empire Complex , Singapore-099253 Singapore

Coordonnées de la société de production

PSA Corporation Limited
Level 1 HarbourFront CentrePO BOX 300 - Empire Complex , Singapore-099253 Singapore